Monday, April 14, 2008

menorys dos

Numero onu
well on one of the early are blogs this would go better but o well this is rangers musical talent he plays the ordainment saxophone

numero dos

this is some history thing that I did it was fun I was Edison,railroader,and the curtain all at the same time

numero tres

well this is as close to a cave as she will ever see nor be in so it is a memory to scout.

number 4
this is what i say one day whale I was going to church I guess this is as close to a crone plating as grants going to get.

number 5

you know Kyler's hot rod well this is mine amazing is int it

Sunday, April 13, 2008


well scout and ranger got a new toy it is ice. That photo is only scout ( she would not let ranger even close to it) she loves it so much she had it for 30 min. and she is half done it is crazy

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Snow all it is water in a crystal form. However, it is one of the many things that say Christmas is coming. The amount of songs that mention snow is amazing. However, what about the islanders that only see snow on TV they have to rely on calendars. So be thankful for what you have. SNOW

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A holiday tree

Well it is that time of year to put up trees (most not real) fake trees take the spirit and smell out of the holidays so this year we got a live tree. It was a victory it was hard putting up the lights but we did it. The last year is we had a real tree was a long time ago.

(The tradition to use a tree was invented in Germany, which is interesting) So get Live trees
get rid of fake trees

Friday, November 30, 2007

the holadays

December is the month of mostly adds if you turn on the TV you are bound to see sale all must go m it is all advertisements most the sells are it December it is a evil but true fact so
Stop December commercialism

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Old memories

Here are some momories of mine.

memory 1

July 4, 2006

a lady in my ward had her tree fall flat in front of her door I was the first there to help

Memory 2

the day we got scout was great I never thought I would get a dog

memory 3

On scouts B day we got ranger form a shelter.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Famly instrument

I play one instrument and that is the

Basson my Dad plays it to

the Basson is a vary not comin instrument


The violin Kyler and Karli play it to


The Baritone


The flute



so you can say we were a musical family

only me and klarissa manly use are Instruments.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dogs can sing

dogs can sing

they can play hide and go seek (scout was hiding under the couch)

Dogs have the best dog piles

they can cach birds too

they sleep alot

they play together they play & play & play

Friday, September 7, 2007

cleanig power of...........

the one.......

the one most power full.......

the most power full clening substans in the world.........

what is it what is it

Ranch ranch and ranch

it is the whight stuff in the red shape thing
her hair was so clean after that the clean whasing after.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Dog eat Dog

We got a new dog Ranger the one on the right. We got him for Scout(the one on the left)on her B-day. Well I alwas say holla scouty for scout Ranger is power ranger.Warning it is a dod eat dog and Micky world

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Never Hassle the S.O.

Pretty much I found out how to use photo shop the funniest thing on a computer. The person I chose to photo shop was Mark Siebert and David Hasselhoff .So don’t hassle the Mark.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Kev at Camp

Hight Uinta Summer camp for the BSA yes I am a scout of troop 973 but eny way Hight Uinta Camp ground is more for cows then people there where a army of cows there endless Mooooooooooos and they moo loud realy loud. but other than the 4Hour drive ya 4hours to North East Utah plus I had to get up at 4:00 am so we were gone by 5:00 and we got there at 10:27 it was horrer also a troop tipted our tents. But most of the rest was great.